Listed below is the number of Orange County’s war dead which occurred in the War of 1812, derived from the Library of Virginia’s Military Dead Database. War of 1812 (1812 –1815) 5 dead Name Gender Race County or City Conflict Branch of Service Date of Death…
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Orange County War Dead — War of 1812
This is the fourth of a series of articles by the Committee for the Orange County Veterans Memorial. Remember our goal is to raise funds, so we can build the Orange County Veterans Memorial to honor those sons and daughters of Orange who died while defending our county and our liberties. Listed below is the…
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Orange Virginia – Revolutionary War Dead
This is the third of a series of articles by the Committee for the Orange County Veterans Memorial. Remember our goal is to raise funds, so we can build the Orange County Veterans Memorial to honor those sons and daughters of Orange who died while defending our county and our liberties. Orange’s American Revolutionary War…
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Orange War Dead by War
This is the first of a series of articles by the Committee for the Orange County Veterans Memorial. Remember our goal is to raise funds, so we can build the Orange County Veterans Memorial to honor those sons and daughters of Orange who died while defending our country and our liberties. Listed below is the…
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